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What Does the New Dynamic Ads for Instagram Mean for Home Builders?

What Does the New Dynamic Ads for Instagram Mean for Home Builders?

Facebook recently announced a variety of community updates to Facebook, Instagram and the Audience Network to give builders new ways to drive sales of their communities in more places across mobile and desktop.
According to the announcement, “We’re expanding functionality for Dynamic Ads (formerly called Dynamic Community Ads) and adding new advanced capability to Custom Audiences from your website.”
“These updates help builders identify and connect with their most valuable website visitors and mobile app users. They also reflect our commitment to make Facebook, Instagram and the Audience Network the most effective platforms on mobile.”
“Relevance is key in any marketing campaign, but as businesses look for better ways to connect with shoppers on mobile, there’s a huge opportunity to offer highly-relevant messages to the people who are browsing and shopping on websites and in mobile apps.”
“To help marketers connect with shoppers in new places, today we’re extending a community to Instagram that many Facebook builders are already using with great success: Dynamic Ads (as seen in the example below).”
Dynamic Ads are very much like the carousel ads Marketshare creates for your communities. It allows us to automate community advertising by showing people ads featuring plans they’ve expressed interest in—usually by viewing it online or in an app—or items related to ones they’ve shown interest in.
Now builders using Dynamic Ads can easily connect with more potential customers on mobile.
“Dynamic Ads (formerly DPAs) on IG should hopefully lead advertising on this platform closer to the bottom of the funnel with this new ad format. I’m interested to see if these perform better from a last-click conversion perspective,” Josh Brisco, Manager Retail Search Operations at CPC Strategy said.
More than 2.5 billion unique items have been uploaded to Facebook. Now, by extending Dynamic Ads to Instagram, builders can promote relevant communities to shoppers who have browsed their website or mobile app across two platforms where people spend much of their time—Facebook and Instagram.
While many builders already use Instagram to promote their communities, manually tailoring ad creative and targeting for every community in their catalog is time-consuming, and can be cost prohibitive when using outside design services.
Now with Dynamic Ads, builders can showcase every one of their communities automatically with dynamic creative and targeting, so they can show the right community to the right person every time. That is not to say that their ad builder is perfect. There is almost always a need to tweak the messaging, images and headings. Also, don’t forget to segment your message and audience to get the most ROI.
TIP: For more information on how to segment your audience, fine tune images, better target and increase your ROI give us a call at 408-934-8357.
Updates to Custom Audiences from your website
Facebook also announced advanced options for Custom Audiences from your website to help builders differentiate between and connect with visitors who display different types of behavior on their website.
According to Facebook, “The new options address the fact that some website visitors are more valuable to a business than others.”
For example, if a business knows that someone who visits their website once a week is more likely to make a purchase in the next 30 days, they may focus their efforts on connecting with people who have visited their website in the last week. The updates to Custom Audiences empower builders to do just that. This is a typical strategy we use here at Marketshare, but as always, it depends on the site and the community. We dive deep into your analytics to understand and identify what strategies will and will not work.
The new targeting options for Custom Audiences from your website include:
The Impact of Custom Audience Updates on Builders
Advanced behavior criteria enable builders to move beyond creating audiences based solely on web page visits and events to being able to segment their audience by the intensity of their interest.
Creating audience segments in this way also helps builders understand and bid the true value of an action from a person, so they can drive conversions more efficiently across devices. Marketshare helps set up and track KPI’s and ROI for those that find it to time consuming but still want the high impact of highly targeted digital marketing.
“The new website custom audience capabilities now exceed that of AdWords, and are getting closer to the level of detail and granularity we get from Analytics lists. A definite win,” Brisco said.
Over the coming months, the advanced features for Custom Audiences from our own website as well as our clients will be rolling out using Power Editor and the API.
Get on board today! Call Shawn at 408-934-8357 or email
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